Bachelorstudiet i psykologi med vekt på atferdsanalyse. Se presentasjonen fra åpen dag 2021.

343 views 19. mars 2021

Studieleder Anne Bakke gir en grundig innføring om studiets innhold, praksis og jobbmuligheter.

Bachelorstudiet i vernepleie. Se presentasjonen fra åpen dag 2021.

222 views 19. mars 2021

Studieleder Karen Engeland gir en grundig innføring om studiets innhold, praksis og jobbmuligheter.

What are the challenges to close the gaps in European social citizenship

238 views 18. mars 2021

Representatives from the European Commission, ETUC and the Social Platform, Prof. Jacqueline O’Reilly (UK), Jerome E. Bickenbach (Switzerland), Marge Unt (Estonia) and Istvan G Tóth (Hungary) talk about the EUROSHIP project and how it will support the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights

How have welfare state reforms affected social inequalities in Europe

232 views 18. mars 2021

Representatives from EAPN, COFACE, AGE Platform Europe, Prof. Birigit Pfau-Effinger (Germany) and Margerita Leon (Spain), talk about their concerns about increasing social inequalities across Europe.

Markering av Samenes Nasjonaldag 2021

250 views 18. mars 2021

Velkommen ved Curt Rice, rektor ved OsloMet Hilsen fra Sametinget - Inger Marit Eira-Åhrén, direktør for Sametinget Urfolk og pandemier ved Svenn-Erik Mamelund, forsker 1 ved OsloMet Urfolk og nasjonale minoriteter i skole og lærerutdanning ved Bengt Ove Andreassen, professor UiT og Torjer A. Olsen, professor UiT Hilsen fra Samisk...

Introducing: Nordic Center for Sustainable and Trustworthy AI (NordSTAR)

477 views 5. mars 2021

Anis Yazidi and Pedro Lind are the leaders of NordSTAR, and in this video they introduce the center and talk about their goals and what they will do.

Security, safety and reliability in NordSTAR

266 views 5. mars 2021

Ahmed Elmokashfi leads the research area of security, safety and reliability in NordSTAR, and explains the area in this video.

Understandable and explainable models in NordSTAR

285 views 5. mars 2021

Hugo Lewi Hammer leads the research area of understandable and explainable models in NordSTAR, and in this video he explains the research area.

Humain factors in AI, NordSTAR

346 views 5. mars 2021

Elena Parmiggiani leads NordSTARs research area for human factors in AI, and in this video she talks about that research area.

Biologically-inspired computational systems in NordSTAR

189 views 5. mars 2021

Stefano Nichele leads the research area for biologically-inspired computational systems in NordSTAR, and in this video he explains that research area.

Quantum AI in NordSTAR

296 views 5. mars 2021

Sergiy Denysov leads the research area of Quantum AI in NordSTAR, and in this video he explains that research area.

Presenting: Nordic Center for Sustainable and Trustworthy AI (NordSTAR)

512 views 5. mars 2021

The Nordic Center for Sustainable and Trustworthy AI (NordSTAR) is presented in this video, by the leaders of the center, Anis Yazidi and Pedro Lind from OsloMet AI Lab, and the leaders of each research area within the center. Ahmed Elmokashfi from SimulaMet on his research area: security, safety and reliability. Hugo Lewi Hammer from SimulaMet...