
Styremøte 24. oktober 2023

62 views 24. november 2023

Sustainability and maturity in procurement

135 views 23. november 2023

This video is about quality in procurement. There are several models that specify what is needed for an organization to be labeled good at procurement. This video gived an overview of the most referred to model and reflects upon the lack of measures of sustainability in these models.

Sustainability and maturity in procurement - extracts

167 views 23. november 2023

This video is about quality in procurement. There are several models that specify what is needed for an organization to be labeled good at procurement. This video gived an overview of the most referred to model and reflects upon the lack of measures of sustainability in these models.

What companies want from municipalities to strengthen sustainability?

138 views 23. november 2023

84% of the companies consider it important that municipalities take more active role in supporting a sustainable transitions. Only 1% consider the municipalities to have a big or very big role in sustainabilitywork today. Municipalities do not use all the possibilities they have to be a driving force for sustainable transitions. Often the...

Findings from BDO report: What do companies want from the municipalities?

188 views 23. november 2023

In this video, Line Begby, manager advisor at BDO, presents central findings from a BDO report, on what companies wants from municipalities: a large majority finds it important that municipalities take an active role in supporting the sustainable transition, but only a minority finds that the municipalities already do so. When it comes to...

Is local always sustainable?

142 views 23. november 2023

In this video professor Nicolaas Stijn Groenendijk on the term local in procurement. Sometimes what is local is also sustainable, but not always. In this video Nicolaas reflects upon the contradictions and tradeoffs we need to consider when we want to buy more sustainably

Bærekraftig mat og jobbskaping

133 views 23. november 2023

I videoen forteller prosjektutvikler Gro Aase Magnussen om hvordan Delprogram sysselsetting, i områdesatsingen for Groruddalen har jobbet med å få kommunen til å kjøpe bærekraftige varer og tjenester fra sosiale entreprenører. Dette er et eksempel på en modell for jobbskaping der kommunen for gevinsten fra å sysselsette innbyggere som ellers...

How to make cities greener and more sustainable

125 views 23. november 2023

In the video Nevelina Pachova from RMIT Europe explains how the EU project “Edible City Network” worked to help municipalities transition towards more sustainable city planning and also how the project experimented with living labs to help green and social initiatives. She explains what the projects ambitions have been, what it accomplished and...

Hvordan drive et kjøkken bærekraftig

113 views 23. november 2023

I videoen forteller virksomhetsleder Tove Nævisdal, som er fagansvarlig for mat og måltider ved Arendal kommunes institusjoner om hvordan de driver på en bærekraftig måte. De lager tradisjonsmat fra bunnen, har kokker ansatt på alle kjøkkenene, lager mat selv av økologiske råvarer, jobber aktivt for å redusere matsvinn, jobber aktivt med...

Sustainable Catering

128 views 23. november 2023

Asle A. Orseth, senior advisor in the procurement department of the University of Oslo explains, in this video, how he has worked with the University’s new catering contract. They have put sustainability high on the agenda, and has set a new standard for catering. They used a fixed price competition and have implemented an incentive model. One...

Et kritisk blikk på begrepet relasjonskompetanse i skole og lærerutdanning

295 views 21. november 2023

Hvilken plass bør begrepet relasjonskompetanse ha i skolen og i lærerutdanningene? Til å belyse og drøfte disse problemstillingene med oss har vi et panel bestående av Frode Restad, Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet AFI, OsloMet Solveig Østrem, Institutt for barnehagelærerutdanning, OsloMet Knut Ove Æsøy, Institutt for grunnskole- og...

Short and transparent supply chains for direct food trade

117 views 21. november 2023

This video explains how to transition to short and transparent supply chains for direct food trade. Maximo Graesse explains how this does not increase costs. You can organize differently and buy organic and fresh food, for the same price. He urges leaders to be leaders and take responsibility for a transition towards a more sustainable food system