Tagget med 2018

Welcome to PisaX

520 views 20. mars 2018

Published 2018 Helge Høivik gives an introduction to PisaX

Finn ut hva du skal lære før du starter å lese

7.469 views 14. mars 2018

Noen enkle, men smarte ting å tenke på som kan gjøre at du leser bedre.

Insights i EdX

783 views 9. mars 2018

Publisert 2018 Dosent Helge Høivik forteller om statistikkverktøyet Insights i nettkursplattformen EdX.

The LMS Market

535 views 8. mars 2018

Published 2018 The global market for Learning Management Systems is highly competitive. The video presents main market trends in North America and Europe in the years after 2000.


504 views 8. mars 2018

Published 2018 What do you learn in the online course PISA-X? The video presents the main goals of the course.

Feedback to students no 1

744 views 8. mars 2018

Published 2018 When students answer questions in edX courses it is possible to provide feedback that is dependent on what they answer. The video gives an example, using a question about Indo-European languages.

Introduksjon til casestudier

834 views 7. mars 2018

Publisert 2018 Introduksjonsforelesning av Jan Merok Paulsen til temaet "casestudier" som inngår i rektorutdanningen.

Ungdata Junior infofilm

1.064 views 22. februar 2018

Publisert 2018

Pisa time planning

505 views 13. februar 2018

Published 2018 Høivik explains time planning in making courses in Edx.

Introduction to Studio

544 views 13. februar 2018

Published 2018 Introduction to how to use the studio on Edx.