
Systemic design seen by continuing student Kristin Horn Bringedal from Oslo Municipality

207 views 5. september 2022

Student Kristin Horn Bringedal works at Oslo Municipality. She is a student at the course Practice Oriented Systemic Design at OsloMet. In this video she explains what systemic design is and what it’s like studying together with other professionals and Master’s students from the design school in Nantes. The course is a collaboration between...

The Systemic Design seen by Florent Orsoni, City Design Lab's director at L’École de design...

100 views 5. september 2022

Florent Orsoni, The City Design Lab's director at L’École de design Nantes Atlantique on systemic design and the partnership with OsloMet. The course is a collaboration between Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway and L’École de design Nantes Atlantique, France ( and Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin - University...

Systemic design explained by Namratha Vaidya, student at L’École de design Nantes Atlantique

108 views 5. september 2022

Namratha Vaidya, student at L’École de design Nantes Atlantique, on systemic design and the collaboration with students from OsloMet. The course is a collaboration between Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway and L’École de design Nantes Atlantique, France ( and Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin - University of...

Zoom F6 MOK kursvideo.m4v

200 views 5. september 2022

Zoom F6 er en flerspors lydopptaker med 6 innganger. Her får du en introduksjon til utstyret samt opplæring i å bruke medfølgende mikrofoner. Dette er en kursvideo knyttet til Praktisk Medieproduksjon ved Bachelor Medier og kommunikasjon, Oslomet.

Systemic design seen by Tore Gulden, professor at OsloMet

217 views 5. september 2022

Professor Tore Gulden at The Department of product Design is the academic coordinator for the course Practice Oriented Systemic Design at OsloMet. In this video he explains what systemic design is. The course is a collaboration between Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway and L’École de design Nantes Atlantique, France ( and...

What is systemic design?

121 views 5. september 2022

Théo Rousset is a student in Practice Oriented Systemic Design in Nantes, France. In this video he explains what systemic design is and how he and his fellow students who works in NRK TV, the weather channel, and Metrological Institute, used this method in their student project. The course is a collaboration between Oslo Metropolitan...

Ergoterapi og masterutdanning

352 views 2. september 2022

I denne videoen forteller tidligere og nåværende masterstudenter med spesialisering i ergoterapi om sine erfaringer. Maren Høgblad Aas er Ergoterapeut med mastergrad som jobber ved Martina Hansens Hospital, Tadalla Weriku Birmadji er ergoterapeut og masterstudent og grunnlegger av Alfin, Brita Teigen Rognli er Ergoterapeut og masterstudent og...

Kompletterende lærerutdanning

979 views 2. september 2022

Rapporteringsmodulen i styringsportalen

216 views 2. september 2022

Gjennomgang av funksjoner i rapporteringsmodulen i styringsportalen.

Saksgang i skikkethetsvurdering

180 views 30. august 2022

Institusjonsansvarlig for skikkethetsvurdering, Nayén Bacci Myhrvold, forteller hvordan skikkethetsvurderings-saker håndteres ved OsloMet.

Classical Studies

127 views 25. august 2022

Classical studies in social networks

Complexity and organizations

114 views 25. august 2022

Looking at organizations through the lenses of complexity