Tagget med reduce

Hvorfor er det så vanskelig å redusere plast?

83 views 20. juli 2023

Prosjektet REDUCE undersøker bruken av plast og hvordan vi kan redusere plastforbruket i hverdagen. Filmen viser workshop i prosjektgruppen og intervju med prosjektets medlemmer. REDUCE er finansiert av Norges forskningsråd.

Why is it so hard to reduce plastic?

105 views 20. juli 2023

The REDUCE project looks at plastic in a systems perspective and investigates how the consumption of plastic products in everyday life can be reduced. In this film project members are gathered at a workshop discussing preliminary results. REDUCE is financed by Research Council of Norway.

REDUCE – rethinking everyday plastics

2.699 views 7. desember 2022

The REDUCE project will look at plastic in a systems perspective and investigate how the consumption of plastic products in everyday life can be reduced. The project will focus on three consumption areas where a lot of plastic is used: hygiene products, leisure products and products related to childhood, such as toys. In this film project...