Tagget med pedagogy

Students’ perspectives on the functionality of the flipped classroom approach in master’s thesis...

176 views 1. juli 2022

Presentation of the article by Erkko Sointu, Hanna Vuojärvi and Aino Äikäs, published in Seminar.net Vol. 18, No. 1 (202). Read online: Students’ perspectives on the functionality of the flipped classroom approach in master’s thesis seminar

The Pedagogy of Digital Storytelling in the College ClassroomThe Pedagogy of Digital Storytelling...

161 views 7. mars 2022

Presentation of the article by Rachel Raimist, Candance Doerr-Stevens and Walter Jacobs, published in Seminar.net Vol. 6 No 2 (2010). Read online: The Pedagogy of Digital Storytelling in the College ClassroomThe Pedagogy of Digital Storytelling in the College Classroom - article video

Teachers as users of ICT from the student perspective in higher education flipped classroom classes

317 views 17. februar 2021

Presentation of the article by Erkko T. Sointu, Teemu Valtonen, Laura Hirsto, Jenni Kankaanpää, Markku Saarelainen, Kati Mäkitalo, Anneke Smits and Jyri Manninen, published in Seminar.net Vol. 15, No. 1 (2019). Read online: Teachers as users of ICT from the student perspective in higher education flipped classroom classes

The challenges and opportunities of using 360-degree video technology in online lecturing: A case...

413 views 26. mai 2020

Presentation of the article by Mikko Hyttinen and Olli Hatakka, published in Seminar.net Vol. 16, No. 1 (2020). Read online: The challenges and opportunities of using 360-degree video technology in online lecturing: A case study in higher education business studies