Tagget med 2020
Risks, Resistance, Resilience – South African Journalists fight back
The COVID-19 Pandemic has heightened the focus on safety of Journalists in South Africa after numerous incidents of intimidation and police brutality have been reported formally by the South African National Editors Forum. We meet Azarrah Karrims, a journalist who survived getting shot at by the police and reflect on the general safety of...
Education, Change and the Longue Durée: The Fate of the Book
Presentation of the article by Norm Friesen, published in Seminar.net Vol. 16, No. 2 (2020). Read online: Education, Change and the Longue Durée: The Fate of the Book
When student-activating teaching conflict with students' desire for efficiency. A communication...
Presentation of the article by Anne Mette Bjørgen and Yvonne Fritze, published in Seminar.net Vol. 16, No. 2 (2020). Read online: When student-activating teaching conflict with students' desire for efficiency. A communication perspective on undergraduate students' media use
On the expression of hegemony in the field of educational technology
Presentation of the issue and editorial by Geir Haugsbakk and Yngve Troye Nordkvelle, published in Seminar.net Vol. 16, No. 2 (2020). Read online: On the expression of hegemony in the field of educational technology
Digital samlingsutvikling
Noe bibliotekene holder på med som høres kjedelig ut, men som er veldig viktig. Ja, kanskje til og med nyttig for akkurat deg?
3R Zimbabwe
3r Zimbabwe explores issues related to risk, resilience and resistance of Journalists in Zimbabwe based on practising journalists' personal experiences. Thanks to: McTain Media,Safety of Journalists Conference OsloMet, Cite ZW. Produced by:Mercy Mangwana Mubayiwa, who is a film academic and practitioner from Zimbabwe. She enjoys telling...
Sjangerutvikling i akademia
Digitale læreverk er en ny type sjanger i akademia. Dynamisk, interaktivt og åpent tilgjengelig.
Lys mellom linjene – en digital eksamensutstilling.
Yrkesfaglærerstudentene i kull 18, Design og håndverk, viser fram sine eksamensoppgaver i en digital utstilling. Produktene er resultatet av deres faglige fordypning i et av fagområdene i utdanningsløpet Design og håndverk. Alle studentene har laget en film av sitt produkt. Rammene er, film maks et minutt og bruk av lys og skygge.
30 years of ICT in education: reflecting on educational technology projects
Presentation of the article by Rachel Shanks, published in Seminar.net Vol. 16, No. 2 (2020). Read online: 30 years of ICT in education: reflecting on educational technology projects
Sommer på OsloMet
Internasjonal student, Andrew forteller om livet som student på OsloMet og hvordan han opplever den norske sommeren.
Framtida ligger i norskfaget!
To studenter forteller hvordan norskstudiet for dem som yrkesfagutdannede voksne studenter, har åpnet nye muligheter, både på arbeidsmarkedet og i egen personlige vekst