Tagget med global education industry

Digital Capitalism, Datafication, and Media Education

286 views 16. august 2021

Presentation of the article by Valentin Dander, Theo Hug, Ina Sander and Rachel Shanks, published in Seminar.net Vol. 17, No. 2 (2021). Read online: Digital Capitalism, Datafication, and Media Education

Digital Capitalism and Critical Media Education

215 views 28. juni 2021

Presentation of the article by Horst Niesyto, published in Seminar.net Vol. 17, No. 2 (2021). Read online: Digital Capitalism and Critical Media Education

Global Education Industry - Exploring the state of affairs in Austria

170 views 25. juni 2021

Presentation of the article by Theo Hug and Reinhold Madritsch, published in Seminar.net Vol. 17, No. 2 (2021). Read online: Global Education Industry - Exploring the state of affairs in Austria