Tagget med engelsk

Peter F. Hjort - Caring for the dying

742 views 10. august 2017

Published 2015

Peter F. Hjort - My own aging

803 views 10. august 2017

Published 2015

Peter F. Hjort - Old age: the spiritual dimension

642 views 10. august 2017

Published 2015

Peter F. Hjort - Work and the elderly

890 views 10. august 2017

Published 2015

Universal design: Use according to ISO

927 views 10. mars 2017

Published 2017

How to write an abstract

1.115 views 17. desember 2015

Published 2015

Peter F. Hjort - Origins of Public Health

851 views 26. mars 2015

This video is more than two years old.

Peter F. Hjort - Evidence-based public health and health care - myth or reality

691 views 26. mars 2015

This video is more than two years old.

Peter F. Hjort - Population Health 1945 - 1990

668 views 26. mars 2015

This video is more than two years old.