Tagget med digital historiefortelling

The Pedagogy of Digital Storytelling in the College Classroom

16 views 1. juli 2024

Video abstract of The Pedagogy of Digital Storytelling in the College Classroom. Published in Seminar.net Vol. 6, No. 2 (2010)

Boundary crossing and learning identities – digital storytelling in primary schools

131 views 7. mars 2022

Presentation of the article by Anne Mette Bjørgen, published in Seminar.net Vol. 6, No. 2 (2010). Read online: Boundary crossing and learning identities – digital storytelling in primary schools

Poetic reflection through digital storytelling – a methodology to foster professional health...

106 views 7. mars 2022

Presentation of the article by Grete Jamissen and Goro Skou, published in Seminar.net Vol. 6 No 2 (2010). Read online: Poetic reflection through digital storytelling – a methodology to foster professional health worker identity in students

Making time for storytelling; the challenges of community building and activism in a rural locale

107 views 7. mars 2022

Presentation of the article by Sarah Copeland and Clodagh Miskelly, published in Seminar.net Vol. 6, No. 2 (2010). Read online: Making time for storytelling; the challenges of community building and activism in a rural locale

Digital storytelling in study abroad: toward a counter-catalogic experience

107 views 7. mars 2022

Presentation of the article by Karen Rodríguez, published in Seminar.net Vol. 6, No. 2 (2010). Read online: Digital storytelling in study abroad: toward a counter-catalogic experience

Understanding digital storytelling: individual ‘voice’ and community-building in youth media...

106 views 7. mars 2022

Presentation of the article by Aneta Podkalicka and Craig Campbell, published in Seminar.net Vol. 6, No. 2 (2010). Read online: Understanding digital storytelling: individual ‘voice’ and community-building in youth media programs

Digital storytelling in sex education. Avoiding the pitfalls of building a ‘haram’ website

123 views 7. mars 2022

Presentation of the article by Pauline Borghuis, Christa de Graaf and Joke Hermes, published in Seminar.net Vol. 6 No 2 (2010). Read online: Digital storytelling in sex education. Avoiding the pitfalls of building a ‘haram’ website

The Hadia Story: Digital Storytelling in Election Campaigns

95 views 7. mars 2022

Presentation of the article by Eva Bakøy and Øyvind Kalnes, published in Seminar.net Vol. 6 No 2 (2010). Read online at The Hadia Story: Digital Storytelling in Election Campaigns

“Don’t Keep It To Yourself!”: Digital Storytelling with South African Youth

144 views 7. mars 2022

Presentation of the article by Amber Reed and Amy Hill, published in Seminar.net Vol. 6 No 2 (2010). Read online at “Don’t Keep It To Yourself!”: Digital Storytelling with South African Youth

The Pedagogy of Digital Storytelling in the College ClassroomThe Pedagogy of Digital Storytelling...

128 views 7. mars 2022

Presentation of the article by Rachel Raimist, Candance Doerr-Stevens and Walter Jacobs, published in Seminar.net Vol. 6 No 2 (2010). Read online: The Pedagogy of Digital Storytelling in the College ClassroomThe Pedagogy of Digital Storytelling in the College Classroom - article video

Meshing the Personal with the Professional: Digital Storytelling in Higher Education

111 views 7. mars 2022

Presentation of the article by Mary F. Wright and Karen Ryan, published in Seminar.net Vol. 6 No 2 (2010). Read online at https://doi.org/10.7577/seminar.2449

Digital storytelling as an emerging documentary form

177 views 7. mars 2022

Presentation of the article by Ana Luisa Sanchez-Laws, published in Seminar.net Vol. 6, No. 3 (2010). Read online: Digital storytelling as an emerging documentary form