Tagget med applied statistics

Logistic Regression

793 views 21. mars 2022

This video teaches the basics of logistic regression. It is produced by Associate Professor David Jahanlu, as part of the course Applied Statistics.

Prevalence and Incidence

764 views 21. mars 2022

This video on prevalence and incidence is part of the course Applied Statistics. Produced by Associate Professor David Jahanlu.

Evidence-Based Knowledge, Part 4

952 views 21. mars 2022

The videos in this series are produced by Associate Professor David Jahanlu and is a part of the course Applied Statistics.

How to Read an Article

1.003 views 21. mars 2022

This video gives a quick introduction on how to read articles. It is produced by Associate Professor David Jahanlu, as part of the course Applied Statistics.

Evidence-Based Knowledge, Part 1

1.016 views 21. mars 2022

The videos in this series are produced by Associate Professor David Jahanlu and is a part of the course Applied Statistics.